‘End of romance?’ Miami continues to part ways with Butler

The romance is in danger of breaking up.

NBC Sports, a local U.S. media outlet, reported on the possible breakup of Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat on Aug. 25 (KST).

According to the report, “Despite President Pat Riley’s press conference, it is becoming increasingly likely that Butler and Miami 텍사스홀덤사이트 will part ways.”

Riley recently held a press conference to wrap up the season. The biggest part of the press conference was answering Butler’s trade speculation. “Butler is staying in Miami,” Riley said, dismissing trade speculation.

But he did criticize Butler’s attitude. Butler played in just 60 games this season. “A star player should be playing 70-80 games,” Riley said, criticizing Butler’s lack of playing time.

The most controversial part of the interview was Butler’s response. Butler was disrespectful, saying, “If I showed up to a game, the New York Knicks or the Boston Celtics would win.”

In response to the interview, Riley publicly criticized Butler, saying, “If you’re not going to play, you should keep your mouth shut.” It was a public humiliation of the team’s ace by the team’s president. The interview fueled Butler’s trade rumors.

It’s doubtful that Miami will move Butler, especially since the Heat were on their way to the NBA Finals last season behind Butler’s tremendous play. Butler is arguably Miami’s undisputed ace in the hole. If Butler leaves, Miami’s performance will likely plummet.

And given the current state of the NBA market, it would be difficult to land a star of Butler’s caliber. The current trend for NBA superstars is to be traded, not free agency. Miami would have to trade Butler and try to acquire another superstar. This is why Butler is unlikely to be traded.

The NBA is becoming less and less romantic. If Butler were to be moved, it would be another romance lost.

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