The Most Handsome Brother, will we ever Meet Again? Korea’s Best Table Tennis union, a beautiful ending to 6 years of togetherness

Jang Woo-jin (28) and Lim Jong-hoon (26, Korea Exchange), who played as Korea’s Although he could not overcome the wall of China

the strongest player in the realm of gods, he poured everything he had and left a mark in the history of Korean table tennis.

Two Lost the Gold Medal

The two lost the gold medal to Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin (China) in the table tennis men’s doubles final at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games held at the Gungsu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium in Hangzhou, China on the 1st. 

They lost the game with a score of 0 to 4 (6-11 8-11 7-11 3-11).

Although the gold medal was lost, Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon gave Korean table tennis a silver medal in men’s doubles at the Asian Games for the first time in 21 years. 

The last time Korean table tennis men’s doubles was held in Busan in 2002 was when Lee Cheol-seung (coach of Samsung Life Insurance) and Yoo Seung-min (president of the Korea Table Tennis Association) and Kim Taek-soo (association vice-president) and Oh Sang-eun (coach of Mirae Asset Securities) faced each other in the final and won gold and silver medals. 바카라사이트닷컴

Doubles World Rankings

Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon were ranked first in the men’s doubles world rankings, but Pan Zhendong and Wang Chu-qin, competing for world first and second place in singles, were on a different level. 

Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon, ranked 13th and 7th in singles, showed more than 100% of their skills in the final that day, but Pan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin performed amazingly with the enthusiastic support of their home fans.

The 2nd game was decided with a game score of 0 to 1. Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon attacked with all their might one after another in a drive match where power and strength clashed at 7 to 8

but were defeated by the amazing pitches of the world’s strongest duo. Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon did their best to defend against Pan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin’s powerful drives

but the ball often bounced off the racket and there were quite a few missed swings. 

After the game, coach Joo Se-hyuk of the men’s national team stuck out his tongue, saying

“Out of all the ones I’ve seen so far, Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon played the best, but the opponent gave 150%.”

 He went on to admit defeat cleanly, saying, “If I receive two or three attacks from the opponent, I have to make a mistake, but there were no errors at all, so I couldn’t win.”

It was the same with the players. Jang Woo-jin said, “I hit 120% and my opponent hit 150%,” and Lim Jong-hoon said, “I hit 120%, but my opponent hit 150%,” and added, “If I made a mistake and lost

I would cry, but my opponent would have cried.” “He plays so incredibly well that I even feel relieved,” he said with a calm smile.

The Jang-Im team, which had been the leading men’s doubles team for over five years, will be disbanded for now. 

The Busan World Championships in February next year will be a team event, with each country competing in singles. 

This is why Jang Woo-jin said, “We are on different teams, and I don’t know if we will be able to play doubles together in future tournaments, but I think it will be our last major tournament for a while.

We were doing well, but it is unfortunate that it is the last time.” 

Lim Jong-hoon’s military problem is also unresolved.

The achievements that the two have achieved over the past six years cannot be left out in the history of Korean table tennis. 

In addition to winning the silver medal for the first time in 21 years at this competition, the team achieved the feat of becoming the first Korean table tennis player to advance to the men’s doubles finals at the World Championships for the second time in a row.

Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon formed in 2017 and won the Korea Open and the Grand Finals, a world table tennis king, the following year. 

Korean table tennis, which only won no medals at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro and 2021 Tokyo Olympics, placed its hopes on Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon as the new men’s doubles champions, succeeding Lee Sang-soo (Samsung Life Insurance) and Jeong Young-sik (Mirae Asset Securities coach).

Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon, who finished runners-up at the 2021 Houston World Championships, also won the World Table Tennis (WTT) tournament one after another, emerging as a threat to China. 

The two also advanced to the finals at this year’s Durban World Championships.

In Korean table tennis, Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon are the only players to reach the men’s doubles final at the World Championships for two consecutive times. 

Lim Jong-hoon also quietly expressed his pride, saying, “Even though I didn’t win the championship, I think I will feel proud when I look back on my career as a player later.”

In this situation, the two came to the end of their six-year relationship. Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon expressed their gratitude to each other. 

Lim Jong-hoon, who had already expressed his respect (?) by saying, “I think Woojin plays table tennis well and is the best-looking member of our team,” said, “Even though my skills were lacking, my brother guided me a lot, and my skills improved a lot while learning table tennis.” conveyed his greetings.

Jang Woo-jin also responded, “I also learned a lot from Jong-hoon,” and “As we talked a lot with each other, I became more mature not only as a player but also as a person.” 

He continued, “I would like to say thank you for your hard work and the journey we have taken together.”

Their relationship is not completely over yet. Depending on the situation, they may work together again. 

Coach Joo said, “After this tournament, we will try out various doubles combinations,” and added, “Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon may form again.”

Will we be able to cross the Great Wall of China then? Jang Woo-jin emphasized, “You can never beat China if you play steadily with short pitches,” and added, “You can only win if you boldly attack long first, induce the opponent to make a mistake, and then counterattack.” 

Lim Jong-hoon also said, “Today, I ‘acted crazy’ and served straight ahead rather than diagonally, so the Chinese players said, ‘Why are they doing this?’ “I thought about embarrassing them,” he said.

“I think I will have to go irregularly or compete with my strength like the European players.”

Jang Woo-jin and Lim Jong-hoon ended their six-year journey together beautifully.

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